The human body is like a hybrid engine. Humans can burn protein (meat), fat, and sugars (carbohydrates) for fuel. Cancer cells can only burn sugars. To treat cancer with diet, try to avoid sugars as much as possible. That means avoid sugar in drinks, milk, corn, potatoes, rice, breads, and juice. Cancer thrives on sugar. A noble peace prize was won by the scientist who discovered this in the 1920’s. You can help kill cancer if you get it by not feeding it sugars.
“In pre-WWII days, a German scientist, Otto Warburg, received a Nobel Prize for his work in proving out the fact that cancer cells don’t generate energy the same way that normal cells do. Cancer cells get their energy, not like normal cells, from the mitochondrial oxidation of fat, but from glycolysis, the breakdown of glucose within the cytoplasm (the liquid part of the cell). This different metabolism of cancer cells that sets them apart from normal cells is called the Warburg effect. Warburg thought until his dying day that this difference is what causes cancer, and although it is true that people with elevated levels of insulin and glucose do develop more cancers, most scientists in the field don’t believe that the Warburg effect is the driving force behind the development of cancer”.
“But it stands to reason that it can be used to treat cancer that is already growing. Since cancers can’t really get nourishment from anything but glucose, it stands to reason that cutting off this supply would, at the very least, slow down tumor growth, especially in aggressive, fast-growing cancers requiring a lot of glucose to fuel their rapid growth.”
If you or a loved one has a cancer, think about cutting off the sugars that feed the cancer cells.
Until next month, Randy Rogers, D.O., MPH