Cancer Lives On Sugar

The human body is like a hybrid engine. Humans can burn protein (meat), fat, and sugars (carbohydrates) for fuel. Cancer cells can only burn sugars. To treat cancer with diet, try to avoid sugars as much as possible. That means avoid sugar in drinks, milk, corn, potatoes, rice, breads, and juice. Cancer thrives on sugar. A noble peace prize was won by the scientist who discovered this in the 1920’s. You can help kill cancer if you get it by not feeding it sugars.

“In pre-WWII days, a German scientist, Otto Warburg, received a Nobel Prize for his work in proving out the fact that cancer cells don’t generate energy the same way that normal cells do.  Cancer cells get their energy, not like normal cells, from the mitochondrial oxidation of fat, but from glycolysis, the breakdown of glucose within the cytoplasm (the liquid part of the cell).  This different metabolism of cancer cells that sets them apart from normal cells is called the Warburg effect.  Warburg thought until his dying day that this difference is what causes cancer, and although it is true that people with elevated levels of insulin and glucose do develop more cancers, most scientists in the field don’t believe that the Warburg effect is the driving force behind the development of cancer”.

“But it stands to reason that it can be used to treat cancer that is already growing.  Since cancers can’t really get nourishment from anything but glucose, it stands to reason that cutting off this supply would, at the very least, slow down tumor growth, especially in aggressive, fast-growing cancers requiring a lot of glucose to fuel their rapid growth.”

If you or a loved one has a cancer, think about cutting off the sugars that feed the cancer cells.

Until next month, Randy Rogers, D.O., MPH

Carcinogens In Our Diet

I was able to find an article published by the National Academy of Sciences Feb 15, 1996 that “Cancer-causing chemicals that occur naturally in foods are far more numerous in the human diet than synthetic carcinogens.”  "While some chemicals in the diet do have the ability to cause cancer, they appear to be a threat only when they are present in foods that form an unusually large part of the diet," said committees chair Ronald Estabrook, chair, department of biochemistry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. "The varied and balanced diet needed for good nutrition -- including fruits and vegetables -- seems to provide significant protection from the natural toxicants in our foods." (1) After working with patients for 30 plus years, I find not many eat a varied or balanced diet for good nutrition. So, it seems the average patient is not getting the protection from the carcinogens they could.

In the same news release, as an addition to the article, there is a comment that excess calories cause more of a cancer threat that natural or synthetic carcinogens in our food.

There are some 500,000 cancer deaths each year in the United States. I would suspect many of them are not eating their nutritionally balanced diet or they are eating too many calories, or both.

There are studies that show that rats which consume chronically 20% less than their “recommended” ideal calorie consumption when supplemented with vitamins and minerals live 20 % longer than rates eating their ideal calorie intake. By eating less, there is an anti-aging phenomenon. Could it be because they consume fewer carcinogens? The current theory is that by eating less you have less oxidative stress on your body when you burn the fuel. Eating less stimulates the mitochondria to rev up. These are theories on how calorie restriction increases life expectancy. 2. (Dr. McAlister, 2007) 

I try to avoid eating charred meat, foods cooked in plastic, microwave foods cooked in plastic or microwave cooked foods at all. Smoked foods scare me. Synthetic sweeteners such as aspartame have been implicated as a carcinogen. Chemicals leached from plastic into bottled water bothers me. I don’t eat peanuts often due to the fungal carcinogens that are possibly there. I chronically eat on small plates and share meals with my wife or whomever I’m with.

Of course, I try not to be too obsessive.

I still fear industrial produced pollutants more than natural, although the fear could be irrational.

By Randy Rogers, D.O., MPH

From RRTL Health: Randy Rogers, D.O., MPH

RRTL health would like to write a monthly column to direct you in how to improve your health. There are four areas mentioned below you could try to change so that you and your family could be healthier. They are:

  1. Exercise! Please take time out of your hectic day to try to walk or play actively 45 minutes a day. And please take your children out on the weekends and holidays to be active with you.
  2. Diet! I don’t want you to eat less. If you are your family are overweight, I want you and your family to eat leafy vegetables (stems, stalks, and leaves) as well as birds, animals, fish, and sea food. You can add onions, garlic, mushrooms, nuts (but not peanuts), whole beans (not refried) and eggs. If you are overweight, eat no or as little as possible grains, corn, potatoes, or rice. Drink only water, unsweetened tea, coffee in limited amounts.  If you are overweight, drink no diet sodas, sodas, juice, sports drinks, or milk (even low fat), beer, whiskey or wine. Do not use artificial sweeteners. Do not eat low fat foods that replace high fructose corn syrup for the fat.  Once you are normal weight, you can eat and drink all things in balance.

  3. Nutritional supplements: A full course of Vitamins, minerals, probiotics, digestive enzymes and quality Cod Liver oil (which you should not burp) ,along with well chosen foods, will give your body what it needs to keep itself healthy. Don’t be fooled by advertisements that would want you to believe that if you have a health problem, your body has a lack of a prescription drug. You might require a prescription drug to live with a health problem, but your body does not have a lack of a drug as it might lack a necessary vitamin, mineral, good bacteria, enzyme, or essential fat. 
  4. Avoid poisons!!! Every month  we will try to discuss a common poison you can avoid to help you and your family stay well. Today we will discuss microwaving food. I know that many of you are in a hurry just to make money to pay bills, take care of loved ones, do your work, and have a little fun. So that is why you choose the speed of microwaving your food. I personally try to never use a microwave or eat food someone else has microwaved. Microwaving food changes the nature of the food and creates Advanced Glycation End Products which are unhealthy for your body. Have you ever noticed microwaved meat, and chicken has a different chewy taste that you can not get with any other style of cooking. Here are some of the pit falls of microwaving to avoid. A. Do not microwave in plastic. The plastic can leak cancer causing Dioxin and DEHA into the food wrapped in the plastic.


According to the FDA, the following items are safe to use in microwaves:

  • wax paper
  •  cooking bags
  • parchment paper
  •  white microwave-safe paper towels

Items that should never be microwaved include:

  • plastic storage bags
  • grocery bags
  • newspapers
  • aluminum foil

The FDA also cautions against using restaurant carry-out containers - particularly foam plates or boxes - and margarine tubs in the microwave. In addition, plastic microwavable meal containers are meant for "one-time" use only and should not be re-used in the microwave.

 If you feel you must use your microwave, instead of using plastic containers, it is recommended to use glass or microwave-safe containers or plates to re-heat leftovers in the microwave.

 Thanks for your attention.    Randy Rogers, D.O., MPH

How to Maintain a Healthy Weight in Americas Toxic Environment


Hello visitors, this will be the first post of an installment of weekly health tips posted on our blog.  These weekly tips are provided as basic stepping stones to help you achieve optimal health in America’s current toxic environment.  Our goals as physicians and owners of this website are to promote your health and wellness.  We stand by these suggestions and follow them ourselves.  We are confident they will help you maintain a much healthier weight and also increase your overall sense of well-being.

This week’s tips will be short and sweet.  In a sea of dietary advice, I will distill for you the foods and calories you should absolutely avoid as a foundational cornerstone.  The list is surprisingly short and is follows.

1.     Avoid all sweetened carbonated beverages, fruit juice, and ALL artificially sweetened beverages.  Drink plain water, black coffee, and unsweet tea as your foundation.

2.     Avoid all wheat containing products, and absolutely avoid all foods that contain refined white flour.

3.     Avoid all products that contain processed polyunsaturated fatty acids ie soybean oil, canola oil, corn oil, and other vegetable oil.  If the oil you are eating came from a refinery where it had to be extracted from seeds and vegetables it is not meant to be consumed in large quantities by human beings period.  Humans never ate this kind fat until the 1950’s and they started to showed up in everything by the 1980’s.  The correlation of an increase in obesity, insulin resistance, and heart disease and the massive volume of these new fats in our diet is no coincidence.  Just watch a movie from the early 1980’s and look at all the extras in crowd scenes and compare them extras in crowd scenes in movies today.  It will blow your mind.

4.     Avoid all processed foods that come from a box, they are devoid of adequate nutrition and almost always contain all the toxic nutrients described above.

5.     What should I eat then?  Eat whole, real, unprocessed food found along the periphery of the grocery stores.

Well that sums up this week’s tips on how to maximize your health.  There will be future posts that cover this in more detail.  Also come back for tips on optimal exercise programs, skin care, psychological well-being, and recommended supplements.  


Ryan T Rogers, MD